Chiropractic care at Light of Life Chiropractic begins with the understanding that the body can – and wants – to be in a better state of communication with the brain. Dr. Leo looks for subluxations, or the misalignment of the vertebrae, in order to remove any interference from the nerves. This allows the brain to properly communicate with the rest of the body. 

Ready to get started? Call Light of Life Chiropractic today!


Chiropractic Adjustments

Correct subluxations (one or more of your vertebrae have moved out of position and are applying pressure on your spinal nerves) within the spine and extremities. 

Soft Tissue & Manual Therapy

Encourages healing, reduces inflammation, relieves discomfort and breaks down adhesions.

Patient Lying on Blue Exercise Ball — Margate, FL — Light of Life Chiropractic, LLC

Heat & Cold Therapy

Helps reduce inflammation (causes irritation and tenderness throughout the body) and muscle spasm, while encouraging overall blood flow.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Alleviates muscle cramping, spasms and soft tissue injuries. The problem area receives tiny electrical currents that relax tense muscle.

Ultrasound Therapy

Not to be confused with diagnostic ultrasound (commonly used in prenatal screening), this therapeutic procedure uses sound waves to treat tendon and ligament injuries, muscle and soft tissue injuries, scar tissue, arthritis and bursitis.

Ergonomics & Coaching

During your course of chiropractic care, Dr. Leo may recommend some changes that can be applied at home and/or at work. The success of these recommended changes correlates directly with the level of patient compliance.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Dr. Leo will teach you certain exercises or stretches in office that you can do at home or in your office to alleviate pressure or discomfort in certain areas of your body. Exercise techniques can help strengthen your muscles and promote good cardiovascular health and improved circulation, healing, stability and balance. If you've been injured, Dr. Leo will create a personalized exercise program just for you.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Dr. Leo will teach you certain exercises or stretches in office that you can do at home or in your office to alleviate pressure or discomfort in certain areas of your body. Exercise techniques can help strengthen your muscles and promote good cardiovascular health and improved circulation, healing, stability and balance. If you've been injured, Dr. Leo will create a personalized exercise program just for you.

Skelton — Margate, FL — Light of Life Chiropractic, LLC
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